April 27th - Fund raiser for Lubbock Women's Protective Services. Details will be announced later.
May 1st - Kentucky Derby - 5:00 p.m. Place to be announced. Race is scheduled to run at 5:50. As you know if you're two minutes late, you miss the race. Ladies, your refreshments will be provided by WTX region when you wear your Kentucky Derby Hat. Men do not feel left out, if you wear your German Bavarian Hat, your refreshment will be provided as well. No hat - Dutch treat.
June 10 -14 - Monet's Garden. Please contact Sharon Trumble or me if you are planning to go. sharontrumble@ yahoo.com/806.438.6034, robertsontl@live.com/806.241.4577
August 26th - 30th - Colorado Springs drive - please contact Rick Garlock if you're planning to attend, rgarlo51555@msn.com/410.852.5794
Oktoberfest - date and place to be announced. we are asking men to get the typical Bavarian Lederhosen or Bundhosen costume, including suspenders Bavarian Hat, long socks etc., to wear to the Oktoberfest: Women, we are asking you to get the typical Bavarian Dirndl dress to wear to the party, those in costume (not just a hat) will be provided refreshments courtesy of WTX.
November - The plan, at the moment is to do a progressive dinner. If you're interested having a part of the dinner at your home, please let me know. robertsontl@live.com/806.241.4577
December 3rd - 5th - Christmas at the Fort at Fort Concho in San Angelo.
We will most likely add a couple more events. So be watching your email and make plans to attend some of the events that are already planned. It's always a fantastic time. You won't find better people than the folks in our club.