We are currently in the process of planning for the 2022 Events. Here is some of the Events we have lined up and are in planning.
We will be holding our Monthly Porsche Club events on the 2nd Tues of the Month. First meeting will be Feb 8th at 4-Golf 6:00PM. Other events will be added to the calendar and Emailed out.
Feb 19th we will have a Porsche Club Poker Night. Location: Dr Gray's home starting at 6pm.
We are looking to have a Quarterly Dinner at a members house. Let us know if your interested in hosting.
April 9th - Autocross Event - South Plains Mall
Blue Bonnet Weekend Event - April 21st - TBA
May 21st - Autocross Event - South Plains Mall
We are looking to have a Family Movie Night at a local theater. We would look at renting out the theater. Date TBA
We are looking to have some Tech Sessions in 2022, maybe 1 per quarter. TBA
We would like to participate in some local parades to get our club some local recognition. St. Patrick's Day, July 4th, etc.
July 9th - Autocross Event - South Plains Mall
August 6th - Autocross Event - South Plains Mall
We are planning a Route 66 Driving Tour for 2022. TBA
We will have a group going to PORSCHE PALOOZA in Eureka Springs, Arkansas Nov 11th. We will be sending early info out as this books fast.
We are planning a December Big Ben road trip to the Hill Country.
Please let us know if you have any idea's you would like to host, put together for 2022.